In My Eyes

"When I look out at the world, I don't see humans; I see people with families, with friends, and with lives. I see humankind."
--The Doctor

Understanding is Limitless

"Human understanding is only limited by our willingness to learn."
--The Doctor

Freedom by the Truth

"Our freedom is chained down by lies, and so the truth will set us free."
--The Doctor

Borrowing the Land

"We did not inherit this land from our forefathers, but are borrowing it from our posterity."
--The Doctor

Our world will one day belong our children and our children's children when we move on. We must learn to treat our world with care, keeping our thoughts that this isn't our world, but our children's.

Failure to Fall

"One who brags he has never fallen down brags of nothing."
--The Doctor

Those who try to accomplish things will at some point fall down. Those who do nothing never fall down and therefore never learn as we learn and grow from our mistakes.

Thomas Edison tried over one thousand times before successfully constructing the world's first incandescent light bulb, but as he put it, "I have not failed 1000 times" but "successfully discovered 1000 ways not to make a light bulb."

God's Game

I lay motionless upon my old bed,
Seeing that life is too short and too fast.
My friends and fam'ly have been so long dead,
But I'll see them soon; I'll see them at last.

My will has been written so long ago
As was my heir chosen from those I love.
My time left is running quite short, I know,
When my time ends, I leave for far above.

But am I ready to take to the air,
To return back to God's welcoming hand?
Death is life's only rule, the game is fair.
My game is done; I'll depart from this land.

At last, I will see heaven's pearl-strewn gate,
And there, up there, I will await my fate.

The Right Time

"If you wait for the right time, it's already too late."
--The Doctor

When we wait to do something because "the time isn't right", we are just wasting time. It's never the wrong time to have a new experience. New experiences are how we grow as people.

I once had a good friend, and he was waiting for just the right time to tell his father how much he loved him. Well he never got the chance to; his father died from a heart attack. When he told me this story, I knew that I mustn't make the same mistake.

Stupid Mistakes

"Making mistakes is human. Making them again and again is stupidity."
--The Doctor

Everyone makes mistakes. It's simply a fact. To make a mistake only shows that you are human. But we shouldn't make the same mistake again and again, because that would be plain stupidity.

Stupidity is lacking intelligence, and repeating the same mistake over and over is unintelligence. It's understandable to make mistakes, maybe even make it a couple more times, but never make the same mistake repeatedly; it's a waste of time and plain stupid.

Peace on Earth

"How can we expect to live in peace with each other if we cannot even live in peace with our home? We can't."
--The Doctor

We can't even live at peace with our home, with our dear planet Earth. We are destroying natural resources faster than they are replenished. We are destroying habitats, species, and entire ecosystems.

And all the while we are fighting wars killing each other. For what? To promote our own beliefs? If we keep this up, how are we to survive?

The answer is peace. God sees us all as equals, no matter our religion, race, or beliefs. The answer is always peace.

Setting Goals

"Our downfall will not result from goals too lofty, but from goals too low."
--The Doctor

When we set our goals, we must be sure to set them high enough so that they aren't so easily reached. If they are too easily reached, then we aren't testing our ability to strive the best that we can be.

The goals should be kept realistic, however, so that it is possible to obtain them (goals set too high could deter our perseverance). The better the goals we set, the better the results.

Beauty In and Out

"When we are aware of the beauty around us, we are aware of the beauty within us."
--The Doctor

When we begin to notice the small things around us, when we take the time to pay attention to the details, we start to become aware of the beauty sewed into the essence of the world around us. We just have to take the time.

And when we realize the beauty around us, we become aware of the beauty within each and every person, including ourselves. Again, the beauty is there, it's just a matter of seeing it.

True Power

"True power is not derived from our wealth nor the expanse of our knowledge, but instead from our principals and beliefs. It is our beliefs and the level to which we support them that gives us power, and this power governs our actions and defines who we are as people."
--The Doctor

True power is considered by many unattainable. But I believe that we all have true power; we all have this ultimate gift from god. The power of our beliefs to resist causes or to support them; to initiate them or to annihilate them. It is this ability to make decisions that gives us true power.

Time Beyond our Eyelids

"Time always seems be just beyond your grasp. Try opening your eyes."
--The Doctor

We never have quite enough time to do all the things we wish to accomplish in a day. It is very important that we find this time; not just try to find, but actually set aside some time to do the things that never seem to get done.

The day is only 24 hours, so we can logically only fit so many things into our daily schedules. Therefore the only way to have more time is to remove the less important activities. We have the time to do the things that we want, it's just a matter of finding the holes in our busy day.

Game of Life

"By playing God's game of life, we must learn to accept its only rule; death."
--The Doctor

It is a feared by many, but death is a natural part of life and we need to learn to accept that. Death is inevitable, but that doesn't mean we have to fear it. Greeting Death with open arms means that we have lived our lives to the fullest and it's time to move on.

That's why many people are not ready to die; they have places to see, people to meet, things to do, etc. People who accept death tend to die much more peacefully. We all will eventually die and be forgotten. It's a sad fact, but one we must face.

Blind Faith

"Blind faith is just as bad as being blind."
--The Doctor

Putting your faith into something that you know little to absolutely nothing about is just as bad as being blind. Blind faith is like crossing the street with your eyes closed; you never know where you are going.

I have noticed that quite a large fraction of misfortunes originate from not knowing where one has invested his trust. We always have a choice to put our faith in things, but we must never do it blindly.

Work For Failure

"A good failure only comes after hard work."
--The Doctor

Although failure is classified by most as "not good", I like to think differently. Failure is the inability to do something, but we must always try our hardest to succeed in that which we failed.

In some cases, something may just be too difficult to accomplish, but we still have to try our best. So, as the saying goes, a good failure is one after hard work.

Future Dreams

"Our dreams of the future are only limited by our ability to imagine its possibilities."
--The Doctor

Possibilities of the future are limited only by our imaginations in the way that we have the power to change the future through our actions, which are derived from our goals and dreams.

So I encourage everyone to dream outside of the box, to set your goals to the boundaries of imagination. The higher we set our dreams, the more future possibilities begin to open up.

The Three E's

"Effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence is the way that truly great people do everything."
--The Doctor

Effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence, what I like to call the Three E's, is the quality of every great scholar's works, but we don't have to be a scholar to at least attempt to achieve these three goals.

These are simple words, but by no means are simple actions. Only after a lifetime of practice can one achieve these three things. As everything else, these three things require dedication, hard work, and the will to just do it.

The Power of Hope

"We must never stop hoping—hope is the power from which we derive our strength to carry out our daily lives."
--The Doctor

Hope is one the basic things we all need to make it through every day life. Hopes are a reflection of our dreams, which also give us strength. It gives light to the possibility of a better future. We must never give up on that possibility.

In this hectic world, it's quite difficult to stay focused and keep hoping for the best, but sometimes, it's the only thing you can do. Even after a long day of traffic, stress, meetings, and noise, it best that we all take a step back, relax, and focus on what our goals and hopes are for the future.

Planning Life

"Planning is of the essence for it governs the future, which is the key for a better life"
--The Doctor

Nearly everything we do has a purpose. Purpose is the reason from which we base our reason to live. Planning not only redefines those things with purpose, but also will help to sort out those things which do not have purpose.

Planning is essential to be self-sufficient in the future. It will help you become more independent and do things more efficiently, effectively, and excellently.

Select Quotes

Check out these hand-picked quotes from The Doctor.